Saturday, May 27, 2017

Some important tips for baby body massage

Body massage increases blood circulation in many parts of the body and increases body immunity. A full massage can give the baby a full satiety sleep. Many body problems can be solved through baby body massage such as weight gain, reducing digestion of the baby, increasing appetite, increasing blood circulation in the body, compressed tissues are normal.

Before bath
Before bathing, it is called a tragedy bathing in oil. With the birth of a child, mother, grandma, grandmother and uncle have different tips for raising children. And it also says that the baby must be bathing with oil before bathing. But maybe it is never known how to massage oil in the right way or its benefits. To massage baby's baby, you can do Baby Massaging Gel, Baby Oil or Baby lotion. The simple thing is that the baby's body should be slippery so that massage is the advantage. 

How to do massage
1. First lie on a bowl or towel. First baby foot massage must be done. And you have to do this with your hands. At first, you must pull down the ankle from the feet of Baby's feet and close the ankle. This time it will be pulled down with the other hand. This massage is a very important massage. This is mosquito’s help to walk quickly after the child's inability and strengthen the bone of the baby. So if this mosque is possible 5 times

(2) First drop a few drops of oil on your baby's feet. Then pull your ankle from your ankle to the top of the baby's feet and pull it from the top.

(3) Now run down the massage from the run and stop near the toe's finger and pull the fingers of the baby to one by one. Make this massage 3 times.

(4) On the upper part of the shoulder, start the massage, finish the chest in the middle of the chest, and do this massage with light pressure, make more 3/4 times in this way, and lift your hands to the last time.

(5) To finish the massage with your shoulders. Then come to your hand, first with the help of your old finger, press the lips in the hands of the Baby and massage the fingers and pull one by one slowly.

(6) Start the massage from the bottom right side of the abdomen [towards the clockwise] and reach the left side of the stomach. By doing this, your child will be released from all kinds of stomach. Make this massage 3/4 times.

Now do that at the end
This time your baby is at the end of the massage, so fasten your babies and let them relax. Then the baby's back should be pulled from the back to the back of your hand and the baby's spine through your fingers. Make 5 times this way.

(7) If the baby starts feeling pain in the chest or crying then immediately stop the baby massage. Try again the next day.

Put some time for massage in your baby's daily routine. Early baby massage may not enjoy. And the whole massage is not possible in one day, so increase the massage a little. Then see Baby will be ready for a massage at a time and spend honey with baby.

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