Monday, May 29, 2017

New tips to keep your teeth clean

How would you go without teeth? Laughing your life is a lot that can make you forget. The tooth is one of the major aspects of facial beauty. The beauty of your face without teeth is worthless. The teeth care that your teeth should keep clean. To keep your teeth healthy, you must take care of your teeth. Where there are teeth that do not have dental status, then you have to face difficult problems. So today you have to look for dental tips to help keep your teeth healthy.

Drink Green Tea
Many times the teeth can be kept healthy despite drinking. Do not be surprised; drink green tea to keep your teeth healthy. Green Tooth Due to strengthening the gums, it gives the swing with the sparkle.

Clean teeth twice a day
We are still many people who just brush their teeth in the morning, for them the brush is to brush twice a day. Cleaning the tooth twice, the germ cannot be born inside. Brushing your teeth twice a day will keep your teeth clean.

Change the brush after 6 weeks
Do not use the brush you are using for more than 6 weeks. If you use it more than the germs can be born in the brush so that your dentist may damage. So after 6 weeks, the tooth brush needs to be changed.

Quit smoking
Smoking is harmful to health. Smoking is harmful for teeth. The teeth are not kept clean. If the nicotine of the rover sits in the teeth of the teeth, then the normal brightness of the teeth is damaged. So you have to quit smoking to keep the teeth clean.

Baking powder with paste
Your teeth have lost brightness due to several bad habits. You cannot whiten the tooth even after trying hard. For me, mix a little baking powder with paste. But do not do this work every day. You can mix baking powder twice a month, never more than that. This will whiten your teeth.

Salt with toothpaste
Tooth is one of the main parts of our body's beauty. If the tooth is not good then we also have problems with eating. So it is important for us to maintain the teeth. If the tooth is not clear, you can also laugh and shame. If you have a stain on your teeth, you can use salt with tooth paste. Brushing teeth with tooth paste will help you to return to the brightness of the teeth.

Keep the tooth brush clean
Tooth brush with teeth cleaned. So the tooth brush should be kept clean. To clean the tooth brush, clean the brush with hot water at least once a week. Bacterial infections can occur if the brush is not cleaned. So keep the brush clean.

Keep your teeth strong
To keep the teeth strong, you need to eat nutritious foods. Eat apples, strawberries, cucumbers, milk, curd, meat bones in your daily food list. These will keep your teeth tight and strong. Drink cold water to keep the teeth clean.

It is necessary to take care of the brush to clean the teeth. Do not brushes with a lid stand in the lid; it may cause bacterial infections in your brush so keep the brush in a good place.

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