Thursday, December 8, 2016

What should we eat food for slim figure

Abdominal fat is a concern. And there are reasons. Many serious abdominal fat than fat elsewhere in the body of the deposit, a lot of more thought. The hip and thigh fat accumulation as well as dangerous. And abdominal fat is associated with the large variety of diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and type II diabetes. There is the heavy body with genetic tendencies.

Many fat meat, cheese, butter, eat more fat in the abdomen is the biggest reason. The thing is that any way to be the main cause of excess caloric intake inflated the waist line. Abdominal fat is the main cause of high caloric intake. There is no single cause of abdominal fat, however, genetic, eats, age, life style does not in any way responsible for any and all. Change in eating habits can reduce abdominal fat. Do not eat so much rice, sugar, not sweet, dense low-fat diet and to raise vegetables and fruits. Gluttony cannot be together. Talk to excess calories. Many people drink alcohol increase their abdomen. Soft drinks, fill the stomach food, overeat, and are all less than abdomen major reason behind it is not. The most dangerous kind of fat is the trance fat.

Partly due to commercial hydrogen is made by adding oil trance fat. Fast food, biscuits, cakes, there trance fat pest rite. A Wake Forest University researcher found elsewhere in the body’s fat intake, and is restored abdominal trance fat.

There are many people said that green tea reduce abdomen. It reduces body weight.  Some also said blow-berry fruit. Abdomen contributes a lot more behind the fast food. There is no doubt about this. There are many fast-food fat diets, eat more calories, and many of these amounts Khan. It is to eat a lot more calories. Increases body weight, are abdomen. Much fast-food restaurant nutrition information is not provided.

According to the nutrition information unless you eat fast food, they will eat smaller portions or less. Regular soft drinks and diet soft drink instead of drinking is to prevent abdomen besides all is not right.

The American Heart Association's opinion: "The first number of the source of sugar in the American diet soft drinks and excess sugar and sweet drinks." This means that excess sugar and excess calories and weight loss abdomen reduction deal with issues that are common to avoid it. Although soft drinks instead of refined sugar, corn syrup being added high fro cottage as the main soft drink. Yet behind the obesity epidemic, experts say contributed to the corridors. What if you could gain soda diet drink? Again, there was still a positive opinion research.

West kept thin waist line or adding fiber to the diet is a required subject. That being said the whole grain. For example, bread or wheat bread instead of Lucy. Brown rice is rare in this country. Rice Hologram department store can be found in many countries. These were introduced in our country sheds Double BD Rice. It does not have fiber and vitamins. There are carbohydrates and some protein. So that was the main source of our energy malnutrition is growing rice.

In a recent article published in the Journal of the American Journal of Nutrition found that calorie-controlled diet rich in whole grains and whole foods are very effective in reducing abdomen. Spaghetti, cornflakes there was, however, pretty and refined sugar made from some countries.
Popcorn is made with Alr-popper. This method does not require oil. Whole grains are rich in fiber, because it is good. It takes more time to digest happen. The pleasure of eating is good. As a result the blood sugar stable. Reduce body fat.

Abdomen fat is higher in men than women. It is the difference between sex hormones. Forty years passed before the women's thighs, buttocks and thighs have a tendency to deposit fat. When the estrogen hormone is in the body fat down to 40-year-old began to be restored in the lower abdomen. It is hard to lose abdominal fat is also not true. If you plan well-controlled body fat and weight reduction efforts, began to melt belly fat. Healthy eating and regular exercise is the best way to reduce abdomen.

There are some spots exercise for example, all arise, and the same kind   abdominal exercise that does not reduce abdominal fat, these exercises strengthen the abdominal muscles and lose fat, it is not helpful. Neither these exercises abdominal fat less. Losing abdominal fat or fat overall, balanced and moderate diet and regular exercise is the way. Aerobic exercise, such as running, biking, swim, play tennis quite useful exercise
It is very danger of heart. Studies have shown that abdominal fat and heart problems paved the way for Hood to be accelerated. 

What is the best way to reduce abdomen fat?
Most of the scientific evidence indicates that there are plenty of calorie-controlled meal of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk and dairy products, bins, nuts, seeds, lean meat, tender meat, fish, eggs and poultry, all food hygiene one key element is to maintain one of the best ways to follow. Almost every day of the week with a diet success can be achieved by adding 30-60 minutes of exercise, weight loss, experts said.

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