Friday, December 9, 2016

Winter fashion

This is the winter season now. However, work out in the morning or at night when returning home during the cold is felt. It is the season to enjoy. It is not this time wearing heavy winter clothing cannot be taken to undress. The light is very useful for winter fashion. Stylish clothing at all times is nice to your partner.

That light you see the jeans or jacket gabardines already arrived. These look very stylish mild winter. Full Sleeve T-shirt or thin wool sweater has gone on the market. These also give you the warmth and style. During the winter the style denim jacket or sweaters with the highest circulation. You'll like it with formal trousers. Full-shirt inside a T-shirt is not bad.

Long jacket for women are wearing sallower kameez, five. Punjabi has long brightly colored shirt. A shawl wrapped over his trousers, which later took the fashion world will be comfortable.

Now people are like coarse cloth tops, Leggings and garden design cardigan. Full sleeve blouse and sari with a matching shawl wrapped the flowers can become unique. Wearing a T-shirt or a shirt you can wear the sweater sleeve cut.

Now this winter wear short, tight clothes are tight rather than loose girls and young women. You can choose to dress cut straight knee-long blazer.

Blazer mixed jacket and winter clothing to create a new kind of choice of young people coming up. If necessary, you can wear a blazer office. However, like the previous one, and white, not black or gray blazer. Now you can choose a dark maroon, black, yellow mix, Purple, Purple-colored blazer. Hooding Jacket is keeping up the fashion appeal. There is muffler. The children came up with colorful muffler rises choice.

Winter is the best time to wear skin-tight jeans pressed. In this regard, priority should be given to a dark color. Different color shirt with not a little jewelry or jewelry scarf can be used only after. A fashion is icons scarf, winter or summer, which is very attractive in any season, in any dress. Wear a scarf with white tops and plain jeans recommend very elegant and stylish look. That's scarves.

Leggings popularity is on the rise this winter. Leggings and legs covered with loose sweaters shoes agree any young person is great. T-shirts with V-shaped sweater and wrapped in a scarf, but would like to see. Check the shirt of choice for young women are listed. 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Check the cause and remedy hair fall

Nowadays, a lot of hair fall is more common in men. This is because the estrogen tic alopecia where’s biggest DTH hormone balances is broken. As a result, a section of the men's head hair is shed. Typically, 30 percent of men and 30 years before the problem are occurred. Just it is not alopecia or estrogen tic cause of hair falls. There are many reasons behind this. Let's get to know these:

Cause of hair falls
Drinking wine: Excessive consumption of alcohol increases the body's toxins. As a result, iron, zinc, water, etc. can be reduced. The hair may fall.
Smoking: Generally we know that smoking is injures for health but we don’t know that smoking is one of the most cause of hair falls. It is not only bad for health but also hair falls too. Vascular effects of nicotine in tobacco are compressed. Therefore the lack of oxygen in the body and hair falls.
Stress or disturbing: As a result, the balance of hormones in the body that are damaged due to stress or episode of hair falls.

Family History: Responsible for reading the history of hereditary hair. This is 90 percent cause of hair falls. If the hair is the youngest member of the family, but also that the hair removed.

Drug side effects: Arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, mental anxiety, thyroid effects of drugs used for the treatment of hair fall can be a problem.

Unwholesome food: Most men do not care about nutritious food. The body of iron protein, nutrients like calcium are low. As a result, hair can fall.
Effects of chemicals: Man used hair gel, color, shampoo, conditioner, etc. The effects of the chemicals on the hair may drop.
Fungal inflammation: If the hair on the head of fungal inflammation could drop quickly.

What to do to prevent hair fall
Onion and lemon: If you want to prevent hair fall onion and lemon juice and apply on mixing. After half an hour will go and wash.
Neem and myrobalan: Neem leaves and myrobalan will be boiled together. The head of the wash water is cool. Following this rule twice a week can reduce the hair fall.

Olive oil: Olive oil must be warm. A teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed hair roots should be planted. It washes after 15 minutes.
Black cumin: Boil water and pour it in a big spoon black cumin. If half the amount of water will wash the head cool.

Banana: A paste of lemon juice mixed with banana will put hair. It washes after half an hour.

Nuts and coconut oil: Mixed nuts and coconut oil, equivalent to wash after half an hour on the massage. Hair fall can be reduced.

Myrobalan: Myrobalan juice a day to eat or drink. Reduce hair fall and even grow new hair!

Fenugreek seed: Soak seed overnight and pour a little water in a teaspoon of Fenugreek seeds. The warm water will wash in the morning cool head. If we abide by this rules hair fall must be reduced.  

What should we eat food for slim figure

Abdominal fat is a concern. And there are reasons. Many serious abdominal fat than fat elsewhere in the body of the deposit, a lot of more thought. The hip and thigh fat accumulation as well as dangerous. And abdominal fat is associated with the large variety of diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and type II diabetes. There is the heavy body with genetic tendencies.

Many fat meat, cheese, butter, eat more fat in the abdomen is the biggest reason. The thing is that any way to be the main cause of excess caloric intake inflated the waist line. Abdominal fat is the main cause of high caloric intake. There is no single cause of abdominal fat, however, genetic, eats, age, life style does not in any way responsible for any and all. Change in eating habits can reduce abdominal fat. Do not eat so much rice, sugar, not sweet, dense low-fat diet and to raise vegetables and fruits. Gluttony cannot be together. Talk to excess calories. Many people drink alcohol increase their abdomen. Soft drinks, fill the stomach food, overeat, and are all less than abdomen major reason behind it is not. The most dangerous kind of fat is the trance fat.

Partly due to commercial hydrogen is made by adding oil trance fat. Fast food, biscuits, cakes, there trance fat pest rite. A Wake Forest University researcher found elsewhere in the body’s fat intake, and is restored abdominal trance fat.

There are many people said that green tea reduce abdomen. It reduces body weight.  Some also said blow-berry fruit. Abdomen contributes a lot more behind the fast food. There is no doubt about this. There are many fast-food fat diets, eat more calories, and many of these amounts Khan. It is to eat a lot more calories. Increases body weight, are abdomen. Much fast-food restaurant nutrition information is not provided.

According to the nutrition information unless you eat fast food, they will eat smaller portions or less. Regular soft drinks and diet soft drink instead of drinking is to prevent abdomen besides all is not right.

The American Heart Association's opinion: "The first number of the source of sugar in the American diet soft drinks and excess sugar and sweet drinks." This means that excess sugar and excess calories and weight loss abdomen reduction deal with issues that are common to avoid it. Although soft drinks instead of refined sugar, corn syrup being added high fro cottage as the main soft drink. Yet behind the obesity epidemic, experts say contributed to the corridors. What if you could gain soda diet drink? Again, there was still a positive opinion research.

West kept thin waist line or adding fiber to the diet is a required subject. That being said the whole grain. For example, bread or wheat bread instead of Lucy. Brown rice is rare in this country. Rice Hologram department store can be found in many countries. These were introduced in our country sheds Double BD Rice. It does not have fiber and vitamins. There are carbohydrates and some protein. So that was the main source of our energy malnutrition is growing rice.

In a recent article published in the Journal of the American Journal of Nutrition found that calorie-controlled diet rich in whole grains and whole foods are very effective in reducing abdomen. Spaghetti, cornflakes there was, however, pretty and refined sugar made from some countries.
Popcorn is made with Alr-popper. This method does not require oil. Whole grains are rich in fiber, because it is good. It takes more time to digest happen. The pleasure of eating is good. As a result the blood sugar stable. Reduce body fat.

Abdomen fat is higher in men than women. It is the difference between sex hormones. Forty years passed before the women's thighs, buttocks and thighs have a tendency to deposit fat. When the estrogen hormone is in the body fat down to 40-year-old began to be restored in the lower abdomen. It is hard to lose abdominal fat is also not true. If you plan well-controlled body fat and weight reduction efforts, began to melt belly fat. Healthy eating and regular exercise is the best way to reduce abdomen.

There are some spots exercise for example, all arise, and the same kind   abdominal exercise that does not reduce abdominal fat, these exercises strengthen the abdominal muscles and lose fat, it is not helpful. Neither these exercises abdominal fat less. Losing abdominal fat or fat overall, balanced and moderate diet and regular exercise is the way. Aerobic exercise, such as running, biking, swim, play tennis quite useful exercise
It is very danger of heart. Studies have shown that abdominal fat and heart problems paved the way for Hood to be accelerated. 

What is the best way to reduce abdomen fat?
Most of the scientific evidence indicates that there are plenty of calorie-controlled meal of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk and dairy products, bins, nuts, seeds, lean meat, tender meat, fish, eggs and poultry, all food hygiene one key element is to maintain one of the best ways to follow. Almost every day of the week with a diet success can be achieved by adding 30-60 minutes of exercise, weight loss, experts said.

How to take proper care of the hair

Who does not want beautiful, healthy hair! Hair highlights the beauty of the human face. It increases of the double beautiful gorgeous hair. At this point the hair can be quickly sweated. Outside the vacuum leg hair becomes dirty. To get hair fall. The sun and the heat of the hair become rough and sick. This will take you to get rid of the little care. Take proper care of the hair a little bit of time to become aware of. As well as some extra work to clean up your hair and sparkling results.

To keep hair healthy At least once a week two tablespoons of olive oil mixed with egg yolk and apply to hair. After an hour, take a shampoo. If you want a little lemon juice mixed with coconut oil or olive oil to massage the hair roots. Take the shampoo short hours. This will reduce hair fall. It will give you a little time to gorgeous hair. The bureaucrats make a paste by mixing with yogurt and sour fenugreek. Apply the hair including hair root. Keep bottles filled with hibiscus and coconut oil enhanced myrobalan. You shampoo before to massage hair.  Thus, the use of a few weeks will increase the beauty of your hair.

It sweated in the heat of the hair root. In addition, the problem is dandruff. So one day a week in the warm coconut oil and apply on the head. Head wrapped in a towel soaked in warm water and then shampoo and remove the 20 minutes. It will reduce the dandruff. Lemon juice is beneficial in preventing dandruff. Coconut oil and lemon juice mixed with water to wash the scalp and leave it on for a while. The next day, you will shampoo. After shampoo wash your hair with water and lemon juice in a mug. It makes the hair dandruff can be reduced, so the hair will be shiny and light. In addition to these markets, you will need to use dandruff shampoo resistant.

The idea is to shampoo the hair loss. After shampooing the hair is actually clean. Clean hair is healthy hair life. Therefore, shampoo should be 3 to 4 days a week. In addition, some tips to keep healthy hair wash; you must adhere to before and after. You will wash hair an hour before massage with coconut oil. You can coconut oil massage. The hair will be nutrition. Hair must be washed with cold water. Warm or hot water to wash the hair of the natural oils of the hair is lost and hair becomes rough. Shampoo should not be used directly. Use shampoo mixed with water on his head a little.

Under no circumstances should combing wet hair. Wet hair and comb the hair ends itchy friction problem continues to grow day by day. It also increases the amount of hair to break. There are many towels on their heads round when hair is washed. This cannot be done at all. The root of the hair will be hot and will increase the rate of hair fall. It Wings to dry hair down. 
These are external work to be done internally to keep hair healthy. Eating more vegetables and water to make sure the hair is nutrition. Get rid of stress and to keep hair beautiful. Do not sleep during the day too. It is a leading cause of hair fall.  Hair cannot be tied tightly.

The roots of hair, so hair should be tied in such a way that air can move. Taking proper care of your hair will be interesting to time. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Messages usher in the winter, warning

Around a little snow, morning dew and fog light reminds the winter is not too late crowd to sit down. Now the day is hot and cold at night. There are mixed weather conditions, spreading cold, tonsil, skin and many other diseases.

Climate change is not an impossible at this time to stay healthy. So at this point you need to stay healthy and alert awareness. This is a warm weather season from noon till evening. Continue fan to keep the room cool. After evening a chilly falls. He rose early in the night. So many sheets are covered with a thin quilt or sleeping.

Like adults, children cannot suddenly to cope with climate change. It takes a lot of time during the heating quilt on the bed. For this reason, many people leave the fan at night. For this reason, early in the morning is colder. However, the bed lazily up from the fan does not stop. Results runny nose, cough some more physical problems.

The most of children’s are health at risk. As a result, a little careless, from the common cold to pneumonia may be. Children need to urinate during the winter is over. If you pee in bed for a long time to sleep at night it can be cold and herpes. Children's cold hit please consult a specialist doctor without delay.

Caution: Put to sleep the night before to reduce the fan speed.
Fog does not fall directly on the children of the crime.
Bus or train ride away from the cold wind, so that the runny nose, cough or crime. You need to use muffler.

Whose drive motorcycles, out of the house before winter clothing, wind breaker or vest with the place. Keep the helmet on head.
If winter skin may be dirty. Use regular bathing and clean clothes.

Problems are caused by the cold, they will be better if we were not direct cold air. The children in the morning use the body with olive oil or mustard oil. Elderly can use body oil. You can use cloth sandals at home. The tonsils, they have shortness of breath or asthma cold water, ice cream, ice careful use. No food or ice cold from the refrigerator, do not feed the children.

Ill: The disease is most of the time have been infected with the virus. Somebody on the grain may occur. Such diseases are usually caused by subterfuge. This problem can see neem leaves boiled in water bath. Just like the measles the neem leaves and branches, but was relieved Wipe clean water repeatedly washed the body. Take a cold fever, shortness of breath, headaches can be. Fever is usually better within seven days. Some perfectly good case to be cold, it may take 10 to 15 days.

Dry skin can be torn due to the winter weather. To get rid of olive oil or mustard oil can be used. Tonsil problems can be eaten cold as well as low water and food.

The hot water use only body and cold water use only head during bathing, but on the day. Because the brain is always warm. On the hot water in the body of the ill temper may be more irritable. Freezing cold water keeps the mood. The body is covered in the skin such as the face, wrist and planted nip oil is less felt.

Usually at this time of climate change, starting from the morning until the night temperatures considerably decreased. Light is hot, the sheets should be used this time. The light at night or early in the morning outside the home should be without warm clothes and muffler. This time the weather changes to keep the body healthy at the same time must be aware and alert.

How to protect breast cancer

10 facts about breast cancer

Perhaps the most fear’s diseases in women with breast cancer and in most cases it happens because of the reason remains unknown. However, the current text contains some of the things that will help you learn about the disease. And that's the way you find a defense. Breast cancer is about 10 or truth is-

1. Breast cancer is common disease, but the disease is not as common in American women in their lifetime, one in every 9 people diagnosed with breast cancer, heart attack, however, is more.

2. The American Cancer Society, breast cancer is a killer disease name to one of the survey, 40000 of the 800 women in America die of breast cancer. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in American women is breast cancer. It is the main cause of windbag cancer. The killer disease, which died of breast cancer in women aged 40-55 years.

3. There are some things that every woman’s risk of breast cancer increases the risk of breast cancer. However, two-thirds of breast cancer in women at risk of the disease is not known.

4. According to the researchers, early stage diagnosis and treatment purchase approximately 95 percent of patients survive five years tenure increases. So, from the age of 20 for early stage diagnosis of women's breast self-exam every month will have to see. You need to know how the doctor will check your breasts. Women aged 40 years and over must carry out her breast self-exam, including mammogram once a year. These tests are only possible through detection of the disease at an early stage.

5. To the fight against breast cancer mammography helps you study more than 50 years old and a regular mammogram every woman's breast cancer deaths purchase amount is reduced to one-third. However, the test is less expensive and specializes. Everywhere there is the opportunity to test.

6. Diagnosis at an early stage to practice levels increase as you age is not too late to do so will increase your risk of breast cancer. This risk increases greatly after the age of 40 and women over 50 years of age, 80 per cent of breast cancer cases seen. Therefore, the diagnosis at an early stage levels and learn to practice it, do not delay. Whose age is over, they start to practice today. Mammography, clinical examination and breast self-examination process is continued at the age of 70 and 80.

7. A woman with breast cancer could be at any time, no matter how long the treatment is done. Again at any time in the same breast or the other breast disease may occur. However, if the disease does not re-appear, then your life will be longer.

8. Proper eating and exercise reduces the risk of breast cancer, however, gives fat, high-fiber diet and regular exercise cannot guarantee to protect you from the disease, but these foods and exercise reduces your risk of breast cancer.

9. Improve your breasts if you do not smoke although most studies have shown that smoking was a cause of breast cancer, though many researchers have noticed that there is a relationship of smoking with breast cancer. Some studies have shown that smoking after diagnosis is only being hampered because of it recovering. Smoking is not good for the development of the breast.

10. Breast cancer in men can be the National Breast Cancer Organization, according to 1 in 1000 of the 400 men were diagnosed with breast cancer. Every year in America, approximately 400 men die of breast cancer.

Bags Fashion

Add a new dimension to style hand bag. People who love fashion to add something new to fashion themselves after a few days. Without it, a lot of time to work with the changed weather or fashion. Just swish and stylish clothing shoe is no longer 'fashionable' word has stuck. But look, you can bring a bag full of beautiful surprises. Your clothing can easily add extra beauty.

It is not used handbags today. It introduced in the sixteenth century. At that time, a variety of different currencies to keep the small bags were used. The girls skirt design changes during the French Revolution. At that time, due to the relatively narrow tote bag began to dress the girls. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century, was established as a symbol of modernity in the hands tote bag.

It is hanging on one side of the small size of the purse. Now you'll see a little ranch outside of the bag designs. It is written in a variety of designs and colors plethora of shops in the current popular fashion bag. It takes precedence over the practical needs of the nobility and even the handbag of fashion. It harnesses all the finishing touch.

Tote bag: At hand is a little smaller in size a little larger bag. The gap is between the armrests melting into the hands of the now popular fashion. "Tote bag is usually cloth or leather. But now made of synthetic materials are different types of tote bag. Tote leather bag design printed on the popular style, which suits just wearing jeans or T-shirts.

Messenger Bag: Messenger bag is the latest popular and stylish bag. It hung on one side of the hip-hop style shoulder bag surprise now.
Knapsack: Cloth or leather can be made by two of the bags. This bag has a different locking system. It just wrapped the rope mouth. Here is a separate pocket. Colorful cloth knapsack found everywhere.

Purse: All kinds of casual party or purse are missing. Soft shirt to match in hand with sparkling or purse is not enough.

Box Bag: It is hard box size. There are small and big type. There is a small handle. Black is the color gold in the bag. The chocolate brown colors left over. Now back on the rubber bag is something like the new design. There in front of the lock system.

Clutch Bag: Clutch bag fashion forward all the time. Square, oval, round, three corners, there is a variety of markets, including wooden handle clutch bag sizes. Such is the dual-style bags. In addition to the hands of the narrow shoulder with the chain can hangs. Strike designs. A bag of soft body covered with feathers, metal or leather again at any satin cloth cover design. But now it looks like the popular small box clutch bag and leather Squared Slim bag.

Pouch: There are also historical events marriage or pouch bags genres. Block or screen printing is used to make the bag more. Some like shoe bag with color blocking fashion. The bag is made of different materials. In addition to the skin, the skin needs now is more like a bag. Now, university and youth interest in multi-color bags. The Bags are size of the current round of new attractions. Online orders can be a little out of the bag.

Leave Beauty Routine 6 Bad habits Every day

All of us have a beauty routine, according to which we take care of the skin. Over time, some things in that routine change, and s...